Wednesday 27 August 2014

Election Topic


This term our topic is Elections. This week was a week of interesting learning. thing I learnt most about was Kate Sheppard. I did not know that she was a suffragette and collected 32,000 signatures of women who wanted to vote.

I also learnt about parliament, votes and special votes. Now I know that special votes are usually counted later and can make the difference between being a MP or not. Also I learnt that parliament is not just the Bee Hive. There is also a Parliament Library, Bowen House and Parliament House. 

I also learnt that every 3 years (in New Zealand) you go to a pooling booth in you location on Saturday and vote. 

Again I learnt more!! I learnt that you can vote for a different party than your vote for the MP in you area (e.g.: Oharriou)

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