Tuesday 1 December 2015


My Favourite Moments of year 8 have been...

Year 8 Camp - I loved year 8 camp sooooo much and wish that we could go back as the 'Year 8 end of year camp'!!

Sand Castle Competition - I really enjoyed the sand castel comp, My group made 'Oli The Evil Octopus Breaking Into A House With a Cricket Bat!'

Book Groups - I really like my book, and the people in my book groups. On the first session of book groups we UNLOKED CRACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BDO (big-day-out)

Where do I think that we will go for the big day out??? Well I think that we will go to some bird place like we have pretty much EVERY year that I've been here!!!

What was my favourite big day out ever?, Well it was when I was year 5 or 4 and we went to H2O!

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