Monday, 23 March 2015

:-) Camp :-)


At Camp the activity I found most challenging was caving! I like small spaces but in my head I had heaps of What If questions

-What if there was an earthquake? 

-What if we got stuck

-What if we got lost?  

-What if….. You probably get the idea by now it was kind of scary, but once we got started it was really fun and not so challenging in the end.

The easiest things for me were the activity’s that involved heights: Bridge Jumping, High Ropes and the Flying Fox. I really like being up high so this was extremely fun for me, but I know that other found these activity’s challenging.

My proudest moment was when I left camp knowing that I had participated in all the activities and participated with my best effort!

All in all camp was Amazing. But here's a tip for all those yr. 7s brig lots of snacks, the lunches are soooo gross





  1. Haha, lol Jessica. The lunches are really gross! You were amazing at camp and you defiantly gave everything a go!

  2. well thanks for giving me the lunches to look forward two
