Thursday, 3 September 2015

Arty Man!!

So, my favourite artist is actually my dad!!
He has done some really good art and I love seeing them around the house.
One of my favourite pieces of art ever!!!!!

This is one of my favorite paintings that dad has painted. What I really like about it is the fact the water looks like its really real! And also the reflections on the water sort of look like their shimmering. The tree also look so real as does the bridge!

I wish I was able to paint as well as my dad!

This is also another of my favorite pieces of art dad has done. I really like how the way the leaves are pushed makes it look like a slight wind is blowing. I also like the sky and how it looks so real. I could just imagine myself walking around the chalk path and into the field beyond! It is just such a beautiful piece of artwork!!

So i really like my dads art, but the questions is… Do You?

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