I am soo excited for collage next year but I'm also really nervous and scared. Next year Im going to
Wellington Girls College!
One or two things I would like to achieve next year would be to be in time for most of my classes. I would also like to keep my locker tidy.
The biggest question is What are some things you are looking forward to next year?!
Well in answer to that, I'm looking froward to a lot of things, including;
Moving to a new school,
Making new friends,
Having to walk in between classes, I've never been at a school that has different teachers for different subjects.
Bussing to school and then to swimming or gymnastics.
Having more responsibility abut where I go and what I do!
Thats only a few things of what I'm looking forward too, but as well as being excited I'm also sort of scared. For reasons like;
Being one of the youngest at school,
Getting lost (not at school but on my way to and from school!!!)
Getting my work finished with my busy time table of after school activities.
What are you scared about for college or year 8
Great post Jessica :) Have a fun time at college