Sunday, 15 February 2015

School; The first few weeks

School has been great, so far. Not only do I have Mr Mc Gurk but I am a year 8. And them on the first day of school I found out that I was in the Catholic Character team. Then that day a new role has arrived it’s called sports monitor!! Of course I went for it.

Last year we had our amazing task system and luckily we have it again this year. Since having the task system I have forgotten what it’s like to work without it! It is so useful and I find I actually finish my work unlike year 1-6 where you were given work then never finish it.

The good point about the term so far have obviously been

a)      The task system

b)      Being a year 8

c)       Being on the Catholic Character team

d)      Still being able to play dodgeball!

After saying all that I think we should do more with room 12 and 8 so far we have done all the stuff we have done ourselves.