Tuesday, 3 March 2015

How To Draw A Taniwha

How To Draw A Taniwha; do you know how to draw one?
Well I didn't know until earlier today!! The only reason I learnt was because we had to draw a comic strip about two Taniwhas so I had To learn how to draw one.

The picture on the right is what I used to teach myself how to draw them. Although they don't look much like the picture it helped me to make my own version.

I wouldn't normally go around drawing Taniwhas but since I learnt I found out how fun it is to draw them, so I went around drawing them on any spare pieces of paper! I taught my friend Sylvia how to draw them and she promptly went to tell Charlotte (Charlotte's Blog) how to draw them too!! Then India ( India's Blog) learnt just by watching us, then India taught … you probably get the idea  by now.

So now that my friends and I have learnt how to draw a Taniwha we all feel pretty proud!!