Wednesday 13 August 2014



What are benefits of this sport? 

One of the benefits is that you get a lot of exercise out of it.  Another is that you also have much fun learning new ways of techniques and turns.

 What skills do you learn? 

In swimming the skills that you learn are: tumble turns, touch turns, streamlining, stroke technique, dives, starts and finishes. 

What makes it fun? 

Just… everything.  I love this sport so much I swim 4 times a week. I find kick-only is my favourite thing. Usually I like to kick 600m with my board. I also like the competitive aspect of this sport as this is so fun and I have made many new friends.  I also like long distance swimming (sometimes), but it depends on how long it is. I prefer about 800m or 400m.

 This is the best sport and I think that everyone should do it.

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