Tuesday 28 October 2014

Mars or Venus? - Jupiter of Saturn?

Mars or Venus? - Jupiter of Saturn?
Yes, You guessed it Our topic this term is ……… SPACE

As you can possibly see I really like learning about space, it is so interesting. Did you know the day I posted this a rocket launched. Here is  the URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=godkAry8Q5k . After watching this I thought of the astronauts they were sending the supplies to. Will they get more food soon? Will they get more fuel soon? If not what will happen?

Space is so fun to learn about. So far we have learnt about the first landing on the moon. About galaxies and some stuff about nebulas (not much though). Today we learnt about stars. I found this very interesting and learnt that in the old days people used to find their way around by using the stars. They also (this is what I found most interesting) used the stars to tell  the seasons.

Space is so fun to learn about 

 If You have any questions That I may be able to answer Just Ask!!

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