Wednesday 10 June 2015




E  = empathy
I  = integrity
C = creativity

P = perseverance
E.P.I.C (Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity and Creativity) is what our school values stand for. We have to show these values at our school or around in sports and at home. If we show these values around school we get a certificate called the E.P.I.C award. It is a high achievement to be awarded the E.P.I.C award.
This week I think I showed Perseverance at swimming training which is a 5:30am . To begin with I think I showed Perseverance getting up at 5:30am. Then we had to do a set of 10 sets of 100m swims. 6 were at 1:40mins and 4 were at 1:35mins. This is not normally hard but at 5:30am when you're still half asleep its a little more tricky.

The value I think is easiest for me to show is perseverance because the sports I do need me to be able to carry on.
I don't know what value I need to work on as I think that I show most of them most of the time.

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