Monday 3 August 2015


Two people I would love to have dinner with would be:
Nick Dunnmore (from EREBOS) and
Oliver Cromwell (although he would have the party banned and me thrown in prison!)

Questions for Nick Dunnmore
1. Why did EREBOS addict you so much?
2. Were you sad when the yellowed eyed messenger took Sarius away from you?
3. Did you and Colin ever become friends again?
4. Did Jamie get completely better?

Questions for Oliver Cromwell
1. I know that you banned most fun things because you were a Puritan. But do you think the activities    would actually make a difference to your religion?
2. Why were you so grumpy?   :|
3. Why did you ban going to church on Christmas?
4. Do you think you were a good leader? Why/Why not?

Who would you invite to dinner?

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Jessica. How do you know so much about Oliver Cromwell?
